My role
I was given functional requirements for the project and had to plan, design, and build the entire solution.
Project Difficulties
Given there was no mock-up/wireframe or entity relationship diagram the hardest part of the project was just
getting started. Additionally, the project was meant to be built within a VM environment, but I decided to develop
it locally, which meant installing MySQL server and setting up the database manually, then altering the JDBC drive
to work with the VM database. Time zone conversion and handling was also not the easiest thing to accomplish.
My Solution
I started by building the views/screens then worked on building the functionality from there. I adhered to MVC
architecture for the project. The Local Time Zone was set by the system time, and appointments were restricted to
the offset to eastern time, all being converted to UTC upon querying or inserting into the database. Two other
screens were made to implement additional requirements. The whole project was approached with the idea that
validation of user input would be controlled by not allowing incorrect entry in the first place.