
About Me

I am a budding software engineer who is passionate about all things programming, design, and creation. Currently working on a SaaS product to overhaul the way products are sold in the industrial automation industry.

Sales Development Tool (in progress)
 screenshot of the application

Tech Used (so far)

  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vitejs
  • Tailwindcss

My role

During my previous role in technical sales, I realized the importance that good sales tools have in helping to secure opportunities in a competitive marketplace. Thus, upon leaving that role, I have conceptualized and am working to create a novel sales tool to bring to market in the industry that will overhaul the ability of potential stakeholders to sell and distribute their products.

Project Difficulties

The major difficulties encountered so far consist of proper management of duties- as I have recruited two friends to help with the project, and timeline and goalsetting- as we all have different priorities and things going on in our lives.

My Solution

The solution is under-wraps until we have capitalized on available market share.

Heart Disease Probability Model

My role

A capstone requirement for my B.S. in computer science, I was responsible for the entire thing, from conception to deployment.

Project Difficulties

Second time working with python, first time doing anything related to ML algorithms. I was exposed to and had to become competent in new tools and find a way to execute and deploy a solution that fulfilled the requirements of the project.

My Solution

I choose a dataset collected by the CDC of over 400k respondents to questions related to possible risk factors associated with developing heart disease. I applied a Logistic Regression model with SGD training to try and predict the probability of heart disease given responses in the dataset and deployed the model with a form-like gathering structure where the user could enter their responses and be given an indication of probability of heart disease.

 screenshot of the application

Tech Used

  • Python
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Streamlit
  • Heroku
  • PyCharm
Scheduling App
 screenshot of the application

Tech Used

  • Java (JDK17)
  • JavaFX
  • MySQL
  • SceneBuilder
  • JDBC Driver
  • InteliJ

My role

I was given functional requirements for the project and had to plan, design, and build the entire solution.

Project Difficulties

Given there was no mock-up/wireframe or entity relationship diagram the hardest part of the project was just getting started. Additionally, the project was meant to be built within a VM environment, but I decided to develop it locally, which meant installing MySQL server and setting up the database manually, then altering the JDBC drive to work with the VM database. Time zone conversion and handling was also not the easiest thing to accomplish.

My Solution

I started by building the views/screens then worked on building the functionality from there. I adhered to MVC architecture for the project. The Local Time Zone was set by the system time, and appointments were restricted to the offset to eastern time, all being converted to UTC upon querying or inserting into the database. Two other screens were made to implement additional requirements. The whole project was approached with the idea that validation of user input would be controlled by not allowing incorrect entry in the first place.

C.R.U.D. Inventory Managment Tool

My role

Given a recorded video demo of a mockup and its functionalities, as well as an Entity Relationship Diagram, I developed the entire solution.

Project Difficulties

Being my first “real” coding project, it was difficult to develop a plan of attack and structure for the project. Additionally, what I found to be the hardest challenge was the rate of learning that occurred during the actual coding: As I progressed and implemented more and more features, I found better ways of structuring or doing things, so I had to fight the urge to go back and change things. Even after 3-4 hours of coding I would realize that what I had just written could be improved. Thus like an art project- it reached a state of “resolution”- instead of being what I would consider “finished.” Although all the functional requirements were met, I wanted to delete the entire repo and start over when I was done.

My Solution

The solution was reached by first creating the screens of the application based on what the demo video had shown. From there it was easy to implement the classes and functionalities by closely following the provided ERD.

 screenshot of the application

Tech Used

  • Java(JDK11)
  • Scenebuilder
  • JavaFX
  • InteliJ